We did have fun last week at a crawfish boil! Here are a few pics:

There is just something about a pile of boiled crawfish in the middle of a picnic table covered with newspapers that turns the average person into a pseudo-savage!

Studies have shown that early introduction to crawfish peeling/eating helps with brain development, speech skills and problem solving skills. .......Okay...... I made that up, but the kids seemed to enjoy it.

Jennifer auditioning for the Louisiana Office of Tourism..

This picture was taken just before PETA raided the place and shut it down.
One thing you will not see in these pictures is me partaking in the feast. Prior to meeting my husband, I had never heard of crawfish, let alone participated in a crawfish boil. Since my husband is Cajun and has been eating crawfish since he got his first baby tooth, we have been to quite a few crawfish boils through the years. Back when we were dating he used to peel them for me so I wouldn't have to get my hands dirty.
Awwwwwww isn't that sweet?
Now that we have been married for almost 24 years, it's every man for himself when we go to these things, and since I'm much too lazy to work that hard for my food, I was content to walk around sipping sangria and snapping pictures.
All in all it was a lot of fun. I left with clean hands and my husband left with a full belly.
When I was a kid my brother and I was would go "crawdad" fishing (that's what we called them). We lived on a farm and we would go down to the stock tank (pond), put a piece of bacon on a string, pull them up one by one and put them in a bucket. My mom would boil them for supper.
I never could bring myself to eat them though. I loved fishing for them, but I thought they looked too gross to eat. :)
Such a one bug happy family... i never experienced such... -Cris
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