After that I party like a rock star with my BFF's Little Debbie, Frito Bandito, and Twinkie the Kid.
Sadly Twinkie and I have partied together so much over the past few years, that I'm starting to resemble him.
He pulls off the whole western wear thing so much better than I do.
So I've decided that it's time to part ways with my pals and try to find new healthier friends before my family puts me on an episode of Intervention.
So goodbye Deb,Frito and Twinkie! We had some good times together, but our relationship is not a healthy one. Please don't take it personally when I pass right by you at the grocery store and pretend I don't even know you. You see I can't even stop to admire you because I might be tempted to bring you home... and well... we know what that will lead to. So it's best to just wish you a fond farewell.
I won't forget you..... mostly because the evidence of our trysts lingers on my rear end and jelly belly but non-the-less, it was a good run while it lasted.