It's been a long time since anybody has called you that. The name Savannah is quite a mouthful for someone who is just learning to talk so you shortened it to "Nina" and that nickname stuck for many years. Eventually you grew into your name and it has been such a blessing to be your mother all these years. You are proof that my prayers did not fall on deaf ears. Happy Birthday Nina! We love you!

I have never left a comment on a blog mainly out of ignorance of computer privacy.I enjoyed your blog so much I thought I would give it a try.
My x daughter in law is working towards being a professional photographer and has a web site with her work.I might add we are still friends and I think the world of her. In a short profile she said she followed your blog thus my reason for being here.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading all your entries. You touched a complete range of emotions; laughter, crying, I never thought of it that way and I know that one very well.
Thanks for sharing. It is always good reading when you find someone that can share the best in everyone.
A new follower
I am so sorry that I just saw your wonderful comment as I have been so neglectful of my blog. Thank you so much for taking the time to post and thanks for following. I hope to have another post up soon.
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