Tomorrow my husband and I will be married for 24 years. I would love to go back and ask the people at our wedding if they thought we would make it to 24 years. I'd be willing to bet a number of them would have said no. But here we are all these years later still hanging in there. Last night in celebration he took me to a fondue restaurant with some friends. It was fun and yummy and I recognize the sacrifice on his part because I know he would have preferred a side of beef cooked over a fire and served man-style instead of having to skewer little tidbits of vegetables and meat and cook them in a pot on the table. So in honor of 24 years, I give you 24 reasons I love my husband not in any particular order.
Just a side note, I left out the many "personal" reasons I love him so as not to gross out my children. 1. He played a major role in the production of our three terrific children.
2. He has seen me at my best and my worst and has never made me feel less attractive or desirable to him.
3. He can fix just about anything.
4. He is a talented guitar player.
5. I love the way he is passionate about his faith and beliefs.
6. He is a great artist and can see potential in just about anything.
7. I love how he will help anyone who needs a hand with something.
8. He is a great cook.
9. I love how he loves our country and never fails to thank our military personnel for their service.
10. I love the logical side of him. It offsets my irrational side.
11. He sometimes rubs my feet after a long day.
12. He always gives people the benefit of the doubt when I tend to question motives and reasons.
13. He can keep his cool in stressful situations.
14. He has patience when teaching someone something new.
15. I love how he doesn't gross out when having to do yucky stuff like burying dead animals or playing doctor to a hurt dog.
16. He never complains that the house is messy but will tell me it looks good when I have spent the day cleaning it.
17. He is a loyal friend,brother,son etc.
18. I love how he is quick to forgive and never holds a grudge.
19. He has wicked-mad computer skills.
20. I love how he makes me laugh.
21. He is an awesome dad and loves our children more than life itself.
22. I love how he loves to be home with his family. He rarely if ever goes out after work or on weekends.
23. I love how I can volunteer him to do things and make things for church and school and he never complains about it.
24. I love how he has stuck with me and put up with my stuff for the last 24 years!
I could have written many more reasons, but I will save them for the next anniversary post. Here is a wedding picture of us. Remember it was the 80's so you must excuse the fashion choices, and for the record, P had a much more pronounced mullet, but he photo-shopped a majority of it off! That is totally not fair because he should have photo-shopped that flying saucer off of my head while he was at it!!! I love you honey! Happy Anniversary!!