Here's a picture of Ciara and Trey with their signs:

Aren't they cute? It was so awesome to sit and talk to the people that were there. People from all walks of life and all with different backgrounds. This gentleman was right behind us. He is a 79 year old veteran, who's children tried to talk him out of coming due to his poor health, but he said he felt it was his civic duty to take a stand for his grand children's future. Here he is being interviewed by the local television station.

While we were waiting Ted Nugent came out to do his sound check. We were pretty close and Paul and Trey were thrilled.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures.

Isn't Edward the cutest little activist you have ever seen?
Loved this picture of the dog. He didn't look like he was fired up, but believe me he was on the verge of some serious civil disobedience

Here is a picture of our group.

It is estimated that there were between 9000 - 10,000 people there and I believe it. It was amazing to see such a huge crowd. But to hear 9000 people say the Pledge of Allegiance together and then to have that same huge crowd all bow their heads in complete silence to say a prayer was absolutely awesome!
During the course of the day there were various speakers, and one point that they all drove home was to not let the momentum die when the party was over, and I hope the majority of people took that message to heart.
I know I did.
Today I will contact my State Representative about a sanctuary city law that will be coming up for vote. Later on this evening I will be looking online to see what other issues might affect my family, and I will let my elected officials know my opinion of them. That is what it is all about.
I'm not an activist. To be honest I would rather read about fashion trends than political news, but I also refuse to blindly trust my children's future to a bunch of Washington bureaucrats. I hope my 9000 new BFF's feel the same way.
Yay! I love the pictures!
Yes, ITA that Edward is the cutest little activist ever!! ;)
We had such a great time--I am so glad we all made the trek out to SA. I'm so fired up to keep this flame burning (pun, haha)...I really do hope that it doesn't fizzle as time since the event passes. I have high hopes that it won't; in fact, a lot of people I know are sorry they didn't go to a Tea Party on the 15th and are rarin' to go next time.
You will have to update your BFF list--there were twice as many there as you originally thought! ;)
Annie, I just found your blog through Mel (A Voice For Moms) I live out in Bulverde and I was at the Tea Party too. I thought it was amazing. The crowd was tremendous. I think there would have been even more if the local news had been more informative. I saw the reports on the Tea Party the day before and it was reported that the Tea Party would occur between 6-8. There was no mention of Glenn doing his show from there or Ted Nugent. Not really a surprise though. I saw Glenn in the elevator at The Menger. My friend had a room there with the balcony that hangs over the entrance. It was nice to be able to rest there every now and then. Come by and visit my blog sometime.
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