I have followed WFMW for years and have gotten so many great ideas from it. But now that I have a blog I finally get to contribute!
Woo Hoo! Okay, okay, enough of the celebration and onto my tidbit of information.
I love to use chopped onion and garlic while cooking, but I hate the smell that lingers on my hands for days afterwards. I have tried everything out there from wearing gloves to buying a stainless steel thingy that was supposed to miraculously remove the odor from my hands just by rubbing it on them. These tricks were either ineffective or unpractical. So yesterday after chopping up some onions and garlic for my lasagna, I took some baking soda and salt and poured them into a cup. I then added just enough lemon juice to make a paste. I rubbed this paste on my hands for about a minute, rinsed and then used my favorite hand soap to wash away the residue. Not only did it take off all of the oniony-garlicky smell, but it did a great job of exfoliating my hands at the same time! I didn't use any specific measurement of any of the ingredients, I just poured them in until it looked good. I hope this recipe works for you!
Great idea! We fish in the creek in summertime and there's nothing like washing your hands afterward and still smelling fishy bait. I'm totally trying your recipe! Thanks!
baking soda is an amazing product, last year I was stung by a wasp. I put my finger right on his stinger and never even saw him, but my mom happened to be visiting us and told me to make a paste of baking soda and vinegar. She said it would take the pain and the poison out and it worked! Usually I swell up horribly with stings, but this time it went away by the end of the day with only a little stiffness in between. Baking soda is a wonderful thing!
I will try this and hope it works for me as well my husband hates it when i chop an onion because my hands will stink
Great tip! Thanks for stopping by and commenting today. I think your blog is beautiful. I was like you, I didn't tell anyone about my blog for WEEKS. I was embarrassed it wouldn't be up to par or something. I finally got over it and I am surprised how many compliments I get from family and friends. You will too. Your blog is wonderful.
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