This morning I woke up to this:

Thankfulness was not the first thing to come to mind.
Wednesday nights are rehearsal at our church and P (my hubs) plays in the band. Add to that Sundays when Ciara and Trey participate in youth band and you are pretty much guaranteed to find some sort of musical instrument cluttering up my house on any given day. And well... it's just not that easy to stuff a 'big ole' guitar under the couch when you have unexpected company at the door... believe me I have tried.
But I digress.
I actually am thankful for the talent that God has bestowed upon my family and I love that they use it to glorify him. It does my heart good when I hear my son and my husband planning their next excursion to the guitar shop. I like to hear my daughter attempting to pluck out old hymns on the keyboard, or to see her looking up words to worship songs that she will be singing on Sunday. So the next time I have to rearrange band equipment just to sit on my couch, instead of wishing I had my own personal roadie, I'll offer up a little prayer of thanksgiving for my families musical aptitude.
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I am so glad that you joined us this week on Thankful Thursday. I loved your post, definetly something we can all relate to (the picture says it all!) but I rejoice with you that your family is using the God given talents they have been blessed with! Happy TT, Laurie
hey... I! haha
Great perspective on this! Happy Thankful Thursday and Happy Easter. Maranatha! Laurie Ann
Bless you dear.
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