Friday, May 29, 2009

Where DOES she get it?????

I was the fourth and last child born into my family. I will admit I was a tad bit spoiled. I don't know if it was because I was the baby or if my parents were just too tired after having three other children, but they had a tendency to give into my every whim. Well maybe not my every whim, but it's safe to say I got away with a lot of stuff. I was young enough for this to cause me to develop a bit of a "princess mentality". While this is cute in a four year old it's not so cute when it follows you into your teenage years.

On more than one occasion my mother would tell me " I hope when you have children, you have one just like you". I'm sure she meant it. In fact I'm sure there were a few rosaries said and candles lit with just that one prayer in mind. When she would say that to me I would agree with her. I mean, I was always right, and knew everything about everything, so who wouldn't want a mini-me?

Fortunately for me God is merciful. So far my children are infinitely less impetuous in their behavior than I ever was. Each one is much more sensible and level-headed than I was and they don't attempt nearly the type of antics that I did.

But my mothers prayers didn't fall on deaf ears and God felt we needed a little bit of nobility in our family so he gave us Ciara.

Ciara will be the first one to tell you she is a princess. She delights in that title and just like me when I was younger, she has a tendency to believe she is right more times than she is wrong and she will argue that fact until you believe it as well. Also like me she has a bit of a dramatic flair, and at times she has been known to don quite an "attitude".

But underneath that proverbial tiara is a sweet, fun loving, joyful girl that is beautiful from the outside in. She is passionate about her beliefs and disciplined in her studies. We love every bit of her from the top of her royal head to the tips of her royal toes.

It won't be long before she goes out into this big bad world and realizes that not everyone recognizes her for the princess she is. So when I send up my prayers for her, I pray that she remembers that God will always see her as his princess- no matter what the world might tell her - oh and that when she has children she has one just like her.


Lorie said...

She is beautiful!

Savannah said...

oh, I have been praying that she has about 16 little princesses someday.