Saturday, April 18, 2009

Caution: Raising Teenagers Might Lead to Drinking

Last weekend hubs and I went out with a group of friends. As is often the case in a big group, the guys carry on their own conversations about whatever it is that guys talk about, and the women have interesting, meaningful conversations. So over good Mexican food and even better Margaritas, our meaningful conversation turned interesting when we started talking about sex. Not the "Oh My Gosh I can't believe we are talking about that" kind of sex talk, but the "UGH! We have teens and we have to worry about them having sex" kind of talk. There were a couple of young mommies who's children were young enough that they could still get away with simple sex talks such as " the stork brings babies" and the "difference between mommy and daddy is that daddy can do number one while standing and mommy has to sit"...........sigh............ I miss those days.

The rest of us were deep in the trenches of teenage angst with kids ranging from thirteen to seventeen. Collectively we have spent enough money on acne medications, sanitary items, and deodorant to help bail out Detroit. While some worried that their children might have already experimented with the opposite sex, and others didn't think theirs had gone that far yet, we all came to the same conclusions:

Every mom there agreed that if it were up to us all of our teens would abstain from sex until they were married. Not one mom there said she wanted her teen to get as much experience as they could under their belt..(pun intended).. before they got married. Surprisingly even the younger - not to far removed from their teenage years- moms agreed with that idea.

We all agreed that while abstinence is the optimum choice, it is not totally feasible to expect it from every teen. With that in mind we would want our child to be educated and be aware of their options in preventing unwanted consequences of sexual activity.

We all agreed that it is so much better to lose sleep because of a restless toddler sleeping in your bed than losing sleep worrying about an active teen getting into someone else's bed.

Then we all agreed to order another round of Margaritas and change the subject.


Savannah said...

hmmm... I would like to know who you went out with!!! haha. You are a natural writer mom! Very witty! You should write a book :-)

Perfect Pair!! said...

Thank you so much for you kind comments on my post. Thanks you for taking the time to drop by and read... That was definitely a day of venting ;-) I started several times to delete that post and for what ever reason chose not to. I would like to think it was the Holy Spirit and not my flesh still hanging on.
By the way... I LOVE LOVE LOVE your post on the Tea Party!!!!!! Where are you located? I am in McKinney, Texas
Be sure to subscribe to my blog. I have not subscribed to yours.
Have a blessed day filled with Joy!

Montee said...

I have been blogging for over a year and never, ever had a comment like those from Anonymous. I really don't see how I was bashing anyone. Whatever.