Tuesday, April 14, 2009

One of a Dying Breed

.................................. DISCLAIMER........................................
If you are thin-skinned, highly emotional, make things out of nothing, hormonally imbalanced, or dislike me in anyway, please do not read the following post. Just keep surfing and check back in a few days for a new post.

About a year ago a friend of mine and I were dishing chatting about a mutual acquaintance. During the course of the conversation my friend mentioned that this particular acquaintance had a Face book page. A Face book page? A woman our age? Isn't that for teens and young adults to post questionable pictures of themselves and pick up one another network?

Fast forward to now.

It seems Face book is not just for narcissistic teens, but also for computer savvy adults that use this application for everything from connecting with long lost friends to enhancing their job searches. Who knew? While I once considered myself somewhat "hip" or "cool" (feel free to insert your own catch phrase that means "aware of the latest trends") apparently I have been relegated to the ranks of old fogey....... For I am the one hold out amongst my friends who is not on Face Book. Why not? For me the question is more why would I? Now if you chose to disregard the disclaimer at the top of the page, and you have a Facebook account, please know that I am not passing judgement on your choice. In fact, I'm sure if I had a way to visit your pages I would enjoy them immensely. But a social network is just not for me and looking up long lost friends doesn't sound too appealing either. There are just some elements of my past that need to stay firmly in the past. And doesn't it seem somewhat presumptuous to think that someone might actually care what I had for dinner last night or that I might get my nails done this weekend?

I Know.. I know... your saying: "But you blog! Isn't that the same thing?" Perhaps to some it is but not to me. Here is why I decided to blog:

One day I was thinking how cool it would be to know what my mother or grandmother were thinking, doing, and even cooking when they were my age. I would love to be able to turn on my computer and read how they felt about things, or see some pictures of their day to day life. So, I decided I would create a blog for my family, and for me to look back on and remember things and events. Kind of my own personal scrapbook/diary/logbook. It's just something that I enjoy, and you may very well feel that way about Facebook!

I found this article on Newsweek's web page and I thought it pretty much sums up why Face Book is not for me. http://www.newsweek.com/id/185641?tid=relatedcl

I have lived long enough to know never to say never, but I don't think I will be reliving my high school days by searching for old friends or writing on any body's face book wall anytime soon.


Barb said...

Thank you for delurking, Annie. And thank you for the sweet comments about my recipes. I actually ordered a cookbook kit a couple of weeks ago, so I've been toying with the idea you suggested, but haven't quite gotten there yet.

I couldn't agree more. About Facebook. I've received a lot of invitations from people all over the place, to open my own account, but so far, I'm holding out and it's pretty much for the same reasons you are. I honestly don't think blogging is the same thing. Like you, I'll leave my options open, but so far I'm not very anxious to take yet another cyber thing to keep up with. My daughters love Facebook and don't particularly care to blog - I love blogging but don't feel inclined to start "talking" on Facebook. To each his own, right?

Savannah said...

Mom.... its Faceboook... not Face Book. haha! Now that I have joined the "wife" club, I've kicked it to the curb... no time! And I love blogging much much more!
oh and I like your background!

Jennifer said...

LOL, I did finally join facebook in the fall. It has been a little strange getting back into touch with people from high school after 15 years or so. Some people it is great to be in touch with. some people it isn't. You do have to be very careful about who you let be your friend.

I love facebook because I can play online scrabble with my family, yep we are dorks. And I don't care where you are driving home from or what you had for breakfast. I am on it, but not as happy with it as I thought I would be.

fair-n-blonde said...

LOL--as you know, I am one of those "old fogies" on FB. I actually know more people our age on FB than teens (most of the teens I know do myspace instead), but then again, I don't run with many teenagers. ;) I was a long hold-out before I joined. I kept getting invitations and refused to join for about a year, maybe more...when I finally gave in (albeit carefully--I like having all my privacy settings very high), I realized it was actually kind of fun. I've been happy to reconnect with some friends from long ago; any others (acquaintances) I'd rather not be in touch with, I just ignore their friend requests. I used to write a private blog with a group of conservative friends on Live Journal, but as Edward got older I found I had less time to devote to it--FB fits with my sporadic appearances due to life being so busy. ;)

I LOVE your blog, BTW!! If you ever change your mind about FB, great--but in the meantime, I am only too happy to read this instead!!

~ Jenny