Monday, April 6, 2009

My Husband - My Best Friend

I've been blessed with an awesome husband.

Sometimes life gets in the way and I don't realize how fortunate I am to have my best friend soul mate living in my house with me.

Friendship is a fickle thing. Through the years I have had friendships in high school, church, neighbors etc.. Some have lasted through many years, been stretched to their limits and bounced back, only to vanish so suddenly that I don't even know what caused them to dissolve. Others have been friendships of convenience that were destined to only last as long as the playgroup or club that my child was in. Still others have fallen victim to circumstances such as moves or divorces. While these friendships never really ended they turned into the obligatory Christmas card or occasional e-mail.

My friendship with my husband has lasted the test of time. He will always be the one that I can count on to listen to my problems, laugh at my jokes (most of the time) and be there when I need a shoulder to cry on. Yes we have our arguments. When we do we each deal with them in our individual ways. But eventually our commitment to our relationship wins out and we somehow find ourselves back in each others good graces. I guess when you boil it down commitment (or lack thereof ) is what determines the fate of all relationships. God willing he and I will grow old together and find our selves surrounded by generations of grandchildren and great- grandchildren. And just maybe that strong sense of commitment will be a family trait that we pass on.


flowerpot said...

Congrats and may you have many rewarding years together. It takes tons of work, but the joys along the way are innumerable.

Savannah said...

Mom, that was almost as much a tearjerker as the "what are you going to miss the most question!" I loved it :-)